Unique code validation – gravity forms

I used this code to validate a specific unique code that you have to fill out in order to register on the taxlientrainer.com website.


// UNIQUE code validation. Checks to see if a valid promo code was entered

// 1 – Tie our validation function to the ‘gform_validation’ hook
add_filter(‘gform_validation_3’, ‘validate_code’);
function validate_code($validation_result) {

// 2 – Get the form object from the validation result
$form = $validation_result[“form”];

// 3 – Get the current page being validated
$current_page = rgpost(‘gform_source_page_number_’ . $form[‘id’]) ? rgpost(‘gform_source_page_number_’ . $form[‘id’]) : 1;

// 4 – Loop through the form fields
foreach($form[‘fields’] as &$field){

// 5 – If the field does not have our designated CSS class, skip it
if(strpos($field[‘cssClass’], ‘unique-code’) === false)

// 6 – Get the field’s page number
$field_page = $field[‘pageNumber’];

// 7 – Check if the field is hidden by GF conditional logic
$is_hidden = RGFormsModel::is_field_hidden($form, $field, array());

// 8 – If the field is not on the current page OR if the field is hidden, skip it
if($field_page != $current_page || $is_hidden)

// 9 – Get the submitted value from the $_POST
$field_value = rgpost(“input_{$field[‘id’]}”);

// 10 – Make a call to your validation function to validate the value
$is_valid = is_code($field_value);

// 11 – If the field is valid we don’t need to do anything, skip it

// 12 – The field field validation, so first we’ll need to fail the validation for the entire form
$validation_result[‘is_valid’] = false;

// 13 – Next we’ll mark the specific field that failed and add a custom validation message
$field[‘failed_validation’] = true;
$field[‘validation_message’] = ‘Enter a Valid Login Code (xxxx-xxx-xxxx)’;


// 14 – Assign our modified $form object back to the validation result
$validation_result[‘form’] = $form;

// 15 – Return the validation result
return $validation_result;

function is_code($code) {
//make everything lowercase
$code = strtolower(trim($code));

// check CODE length
if (strlen($code) != 13) {
// error CODE is not 13 characters long
return false;

//set regular expression variable
$regexp = “/^[0-9]{4}-[a-z]{3}-[0-9]{4}$/”;

// validate code with regular expression
if (preg_match($regexp,$code)) {
// CODE is valid
return true;
} else {
// CODE is not valid
return false;

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