Query posts get post data
You can use this to access the the WordPress posts.
//Reading posts for “Events” category;
$posts = get_posts(“category=” . get_cat_ID(“Events”) .’&orderby=date&order=ASC&numberposts=50′);
Then you can create an array and access the post data like this.
//Creating drop down item array.
$items = array();
//Adding initial blank value, for a dropdown, or just to make the (zero) position empty
$items[] = array(“text” => “Select and Event”, “value” => “”);
//Adding post titles to the items array. Also the Tour Code from the custom field tour_code
foreach($posts as $post)
$items[] = array(“text” => $post->post_title, “value” => get_field(‘tour_code’, $post->ID) . ‘-‘ . $post->ID);
You can use print_r($items); to view the array data in your browser.
For post content use $post->post_content